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 Dr Robert Browne

Dr. Robert Browne Chairperson

Dr. Browne established the Internet based ARC in 2011 and expanded it globally in 2013. Robert is committed to achieving the ARC's goal to provide for the sustainable management of amphibians and reptiles. He has a wide international experience in herpetological conservation and has published over 40 scientific articles on amphibian and reptile conservation. see Biography 





  Supporting the Sustainable Management of Amphibian and Reptile Biodiversity

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." --Anon.




Biodiversity conservation through sustainability

ISSN: 1083-446X - eISSN: 1525-9153
Published as an open access Epublication by the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Community

This website and its affiliates are the legitimate, genuine, and original Internet website portals for the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation journal and our global conservation network.  As legal owners of Amphibian and Conservation journal, we own all copyright, exclusive of authors copyright, of any production by any proxy fraudulently presenting as Amphibian and Reptile Conservation including the fraudulent highjacker journal www.amphibian-reptile-conservation.org as published by the "Amphibian and Reptile Conservation organisation" an illicit and undefined group led by Craig Hassipakis.

We take Internet fraud regarding our journal very seriously. Because of the ongoing malicious attacks by Craig Hassipakis on our journal and workers in his "court of public opinion", and his threat to amphibian and reptile conservation, scientific publication ethics, and the global herpetological community we have after hesitation for over 2 years of abuse decided to firmly confront Craig Hassapakis and his supporters and in stages to release full documentation. 

Craig Hassipakis has no academic background and a long and dismal history of fraudulent activities. In respect to Craig Hassipakis we document Internet Fraud  in particular as defamation and slander, and judicial perjury In addition, as attacks on our global conservation network, Craig Hassipakis has misrepresented himself as a representative of Internationally respected amphibian conservation organisations, misled notable academics, and subverted International conservation initiatives. We have as a reponsibility to the public, provided email strings that prove our claims of our ARC journal as original and genuine publishers, as a community organisation based on those that created the Internet based ARC, and detailing Craig Hassipakis's fraud and defamation. 

ESTABLISHED as an OPEN ACCESS ePUBLICATION in 2011  - GLOBALISED IN 2013: Amphibian and Reptile Conservation journal was established as a e-Publication in 2011 and is a unique and innovative democratic global conservation organisation, independent of any national or institutional agendas, that provides for the sustainable management of amphibian and reptile biodiversity. We are a scientifically peer reviewed journal of the highest International Standard.

We are platinum open-access and publish any articles concerning the sustainable management of amphibian and reptile biodiversity, including the fields of conservation biology, sustainable management, natural history, biopolitics, as essays, research papers, reviews, short communications, and supplementary material including protocols.

MEMBERSHIP: Keep up to date with newsletter and support our mission to build our independent global network for amphibian and reptile conservation. 

2022 - Adopt Sustainable Management as a central theme for herpetological conservation.
2011 - Foster Reverse Innovation as a creative and globally inclusive publication process.
2013 - Manage through Lateral Networking for maximum efficiency and inclusion.
2014 - Enable authors to Creatively Contribute to their articles.
2014 - Distribute Ownership among our global community. 
2014 - Establish our first regional chapter MIDDLE EAST CHAPTER  www.redlist-arcme.org. 
2015 - Are establishing our first thematic chapter CROCODILIAN'S 

We support an information portal www.amphibian-and-reptile-conservation.org and a website dedicated to Neurergus conservation at www.neurergus-conservation.redlist-arcme.org


VOLUMES: South America 8(1) - Mexico 7(1) - Neurergus Salamanders 6(4) - Sustainable Management 6(3) - Global Issue 6(2) - Varanid Lizards 6(1) - Giant Salamanders 5(4) -Conservation Breeding Programs 5(3) - Sri Lanka 5(2) - Iran 5(1) 

SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS: Reproduction technologies for amphibians - Protocols for the humane handling, veterinary practice, and measuring of amphibians.

  For of article PDFs from Volume 9(1) below see Amphibian and Reptile Conservation - Middle East Chapter home page and for summaries and PDFs to  Volume 9(1) Iranian Plateau
  Some aspects of the ecology and natural history of Teratoscincus keyserlingii, Strauch 1863 (Lancertia, Sphaerodactylidae) from South Khorasan Province, Eastern Iran. 9(1): 58-65.

First record and range extension of Sistan racerunner, Eremias fasciata (Blanford 1874) (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Hormozgan Province, southern Iran. 9(1): 54-57.

  A noteworthy record of translocation for Emys orbicularis persica (Eichwald, 1831) in southern Iran. 9(1): 49-53.
  Sexual Dimorphism of the Yassujian Lizard, Apathya yassujica (Nilson et al. 2003) (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Iran. 9(1): 42-48.
  A conservation reassessment of the Critically Endangered, Lorestan newt Neurergus kaiseri (Schmidt 1952) in Iran. 9(1): 36-41.
  The amphibian fauna of Kurdistan Province, Western Iran. 9(1): 31-35.
  First record of Apathya cappadocica muhtari (Eiselt, 1979) (Sauria: Lacertidae) in Iran with its natural history and distribution. 9(1): 26-30.
  Conservation status of the Kurdistan Newt Neurergus microspilotus in Kermanshah and Kurdistan Provinces, Iran. 9(1): 16-25.
  Sustainable Management of the Iranian Plateau Herpetofauna. 9(1): 1-15.

For article PDFs from Volume 9(2) below see Amphibian and Reptile Conservation - Middle East Chapter home page and for summaries and PDFs to Volume 9(2) Herpetofauna of Iraq 

  First record and range extension of the saw scaled viper, Echis carinatus sochureki Stemmler, 1969 (Squamata: Viperidae), from AL-Basra, Southern Iraq. 9(2): 6-9.
   On the occurrence and range extension of the nominotypic form of the Arabian horned viper, Cerastes g. gasperetii, Leviton and Anderson 1967, Ophidia: Viperidae, in central and southern Iraq. 9(2): 1-5.


 North American giant salamander xx


We provide are an organisation that extends beyond publications to direct support of individuals and organisations globally in their conservation efforts. We foster a global conservation community based on independence, transparency, and accountability.


Our International Chairperson and Coordinator, Dr. Robert Browne is devoted to herpetological conservation, an expert in a wide range of scientific fields, and has an exceptional track record of the successful management of projects for some of the most iconic threatened amphibians.

AUTHORSHIP: see For authors. No authors fees apply. For article submission publisher@redlist-arc.org 


We are globally unique in enabling Creative Contribution by our authors  We greatly respect our authors different publication requirements and cultural backgrounds and have formulated a flexible publication policy based on feedback from around the globe.

We have found that many authors feel frustrated when they recieve their final publication molded to conform to strict publication guidelines, many with a national or traditional basis, and without sympathy for artistic contribution or image presentation. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation as an ePublication is sympathetic to authors equirements for article length, and provides impressive graphical scope including half or full page figures and images.

OUR STRUCTURE:  We build regional capacity through our Regional Chapters, foster the empowerment and training of young conservationists through direct involvement in publication and journal management, and support conservation initiatives. We use strategies and protocols that are powerful, effective and resilient and are not aligned with any nation, regional or institutional interest.

Our Regional Chapters provide ongoing Volumes of the ARC, and develop social networking and support structures for both their regional supporters and those in the international community.  Our Thematic Chapters provide Volumes of the ARC and global leadership through research directions, protocols, and essays from individuals with a solid track record of practical experience and significant contributions to conservation.  We encourage individuals with the motivation to become leaders in their field by forming a Regional or Thematic Chapter of Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.  

Our websites, newsletters, articles and Social Networking Sites provide news of events, reports, and publications, that support the sustainable management of amphibians and reptiles.  

Kristina Ernst

Minyao Wu

 Azar Khosravani

Thomas Ziegler





Dr Robert Browne, publisher@redlist-arc.org 
LINKS - to significant amphibian and reptile conservation sites. 
 Creative Commons License 

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

    Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Required attribution for any material on this website material must include www.redlist-arc.org
    Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
    No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

    Second Party Archiving - Subject to authors copyright, all material on this website including articles and other PDFs is provided by Amphibian and Reptile Conservation for private/research use. Subject to authors copyright, deposition in public libraries or on websites without permission is prohibited.